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إنشاء حساب PanXpan

النعناع NFT

Plastic Waste Recycling - The Power is Yours

Plastic Waste Recycling - The Power is Yours


30 يوم متبقية

0 دولار

of $100,000


ساهم الآن

DeN B.

DeN B.

DeN B.



ينظم حملة جمع التبرعات هذه


Humanity’s Annual Plastic Production Matches Its Own Weight !


Plastic offers convenience, durability, and versatility, but its improper disposal poses significant environmental risks. Dive deeper into this critical topic by exploring our free ebook here.



🌿 Reduce Your Footprint and Achieve Plastic Neutrality:

  1. Calculate Your Annual Plastic Footprint: On average, this footprint is approximately equivalent to your weight.
  2. Reduce: There are numerous ways to cut down on plastic usage.
  3. Purchase ZeLoop Plastic Credits: We ensure that an equivalent weight...
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