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شعار بانكسبان


إنشاء حساب PanXpan

النعناع NFT

Pathways to Peace and Community

Pathways to Peace and Community


30 يوم متبقية

0 دولار

of $10,000


ساهم الآن





Moroccan Community Outreach

ينظم حملة جمع التبرعات هذه


In the rich cultural and spiritual heart of Morocco, the need to build stronger communities through faith and shared milestones has never been more vital. This campaign, 'Pathways to Peace and Community,' seeks to uplift underserved communities by constructing mosques—centers of peace, worship, and unity—and supporting individuals who lack the economic means to begin their married lives. By focusing on these critical aspects of life, this initiative aims to preserve Morocco’s cherished traditions, enhance social cohesion, and provide hope to those in need. 

Your contribution will directly fund the construction of mosques that serve as both places of worship and community hubs. Additionally, it will support young couples from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to begin their married lives with dignity and hope. This campaign is not just about physical structures or ceremonies; it’s about crea...

اقرأ أكثر

هذه هي عضوية NFT التي تحصل عليها:

Peace Patron

Star Image

Pathways to Peace and Community

Moroccan Community Outreach

white 1.png

Nov 2024

